Why is it so hard to stay on course?

You set a goal. And you move towards that goal.

Why do we get distracted? Why do we veer off course?

We have the best intentions.

We WANT to do the thing…


TV. Social Media. Laundry.


There’s the analogy of airplanes being off course 90% of the time. And the only reason they get to their destination? They are constantly course correcting.

I know it’s the same for us. When we get distracted from our goal, we need to course correct.

But airplanes have navigation controls. That send out alerts when the plane veers off course.

We need some kind of “goal-ometer” or something. That gives a little alert or beep. When we give into distraction. When we’re taking a step away from our goals.

A little alarm should go off when I watch TV before I’ve done my writing. Or worked on my lines. Or worked on my music.

But it doesn’t. I don’t have a goal-ometer…

I suppose we can do something in the absence of a goal-ometer…

We could check in with ourselves a couple of times a day. Ask questions: What am I doing today to move closer to the goal? Have I done that thing? When am I going to do that thing?

It’s not as fancy as a goal-ometer. But it can be as effective.

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