30 Days of Posts

Seth Godin has suggested for years that people should write a daily blog. He says that “Even if no one reads your blog, the act of writing it is clarifying, motivating and (eventually) fun.” A daily blog? In the past few years, I haven’t even averaged a monthly blog! The thought of coming up with…

Postponing Anxiety

In February, my son announced that he was thinking of traveling through Mexico for a month. His plans weren’t firm yet but he was thinking of it. I tried to dissuade him from that idea. Canadian tourists get killed in Mexico, I told him. I had an irrational fear of Mexico. I wasn’t afraid of…

You’re Going to Love Love Love These Calendar Girls

If you live within 50 kilometers of Dundas, Ontario, you should make every effort you can to go see Dundas Little Theatre’s production of Calendar Girls by Tim Firth. Heck, even if you live 100km away, it would be worth the trip to go see this excellent production. Many people have seen the movie, starring…

How long does it take (part 2)

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how long it took to write the first draft of a play I’m working on. I said it was an interesting question. I recently finished the second draft of the same play. How long did it take? It’s still an interesting question… I finished the first draft…

Getting to my KFC Weight

For almost three years my friend Mike and I would post our daily weight in the hopes of encouraging each other to lose weight. We didn’t diet, but just tried to be aware of our eating. In those 34 months, our weights went down and went up. Eventually, we started marking who had lost the…

How long does it take?

“How long does it take you to write a draft of play?” she asked. Such an interesting question! How long does it take to create something? If I take a look at the play I’m currently working on, A Killing at the Cottage (AKATC), it took me 8 hours of writing to complete the first…

Ship it. Ship it good.

Seth Godin talks about the importance of “shipping”. Shipping is basically putting your “stuff” out there. It is about doing the thing that you want to do and getting it out into the world. If you are a playwright, shipping is sending out your play to producers or theatres to see if they want to…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I’ve decided to start this year in April, instead of January. Why? Well, it took me a while to get ready for the New Year and I wanted to start the year off right! One of the books I read in 2018 was When by Daniel Pink. Pink suggests that choosing “when”…