Taking the good with the bad

Yesterday was a good writing day.  Today, not so good.  I didn’t get any writing done in the early part of the day and it’s likely that I’m not going to meet today’s target.  Okay, scratch that.  It’s inevitable that I’m not going to meet today’s target.  Avoiding the self-flagellation, I can examine this and…

Keeping focused

What the heck am I doing?  I let two days go by without doing my quota.  No pages on Friday or Sunday!  The month is going to be over before I’ve even gotten halfway through the first draft. It’s hard when you keep looking at the big picture.  When you keep looking at how far…

Drawing up the Battle Plans

Okay, I’m just taking a reality check for what needs to be done to get this play Cast Away written.  I have about six pages of script and various pages of notes so far.  Some of those notes will make it verbatim into the script.  But I do need to establish a plan to get…

My next project

In about two months, I will be onstage preforming a one man show called Cast Away.  The only problem is that I haven’t written it yet.  It’s an amorphous shape in my brain and I have some set bits for it, but I still have to write the thing.  I mean, if I was put…