Learn Less, Do More

I have a problem.  I’m a self-help junkie.  I love reading self development books. The problem is that I read them but I don’t take action on what I learn. I’m not great with the follow through. Darren Hardy said, “Learn less, do more.”  Most of the time, we know enough.  We know enough to…

Memento Mori

I went for a cemetery walk today in Grove Cemetery in Dundas. Stan Nowak gave a great tour telling us about some of the residents and the stories of their lives. It was also a great reminder that none of us gets out of here alive. I’m still reading The Antidote by Oliver Burkeman. The…

Tiny Habits

I was talking about reciprocity the other day. And I bought a book last year because of reciprocity. The book is Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg. Fogg teaches behaviour modification. Or habit formation. He breaks down the creation of habit into a “recipe.” You associate a behaviour that you want to do with a behaviour…