Want to start Intermittent Fasting?

If you’ve been on the fence about Intermittent Fasting or were curious about it but not sure how to get started, I’ve got a challenge for you… I’ve created the Start Intermittent Fasting 30-Day Challenge. For thirty days, I’ll send you an email a day. With information and encouragement to get you started on your…

Holiday Food

It’s that time of year again. Imagine Paul Revere, riding his horse through town shouting: The Holidays are Coming! The Holidays are coming! For some, the holidays are already here. And for others, they are just around the corner. Holiday time is tricky. Especially, when you’re trying to watch your weight. Even in these pandemic…

November’s Mile Marker

Last month, I posted about keeping track of the monthly “mile” markers on my journey to my Marathon Weight. My weight goes up and down, so I keep track of the monthly average. It shows me how effective my weight loss has been. November’s monthly average was 187.6lbs. Yay! That’s down 0.9lbs from October’s average…