Day 3 – Writing a page a day (WAPAD) habit

Oh, boy.  Today was the first day that I didn’t feel like writing.  I’m on the train to work and I’m still a bit tired and I just wanted to read, instead.  But I told myself that it’s only a quarter page.  You can do it.  Sigh.  So, I did it. I’m getting nervous, though. …

Day 2 – Writing a page a day habit

I am on the train to work and yes, I have just finished day 2.  Another quarter page done.  Of course, with a script, it’s only a few lines, so it seems ridiculously easy to accomplish.  That’s part of the trick.  Start small.  Baby steps. Each little amount done is part of a greater whole. …

Day 1 – Writing a page a day habit

[This entry was written yesterday, but I only got it posted today.  :-(] Today is the first day towards my goal of writing a full length play.  The first milestone on that journey is to develop the habit of writing a page a day of script.   Previously, when I have tried setting a goal of…

Time to Start

So, I finished The Power of Less by Leo Babauta.   The book starts off with a metaphor of the haiku (a poem of 3 lines made up of 17 syllables – line 1=5 syllables, line 2=7 syllables and line 3=5 syllables).   With so little elbow room to write, it is important to choose the images/ideas…

My Brain Hurts

Before I started this blog, I started reading other blogs.   Mostly they were blogs by people who had written books that I’ve read.  But of course, the domino effect happens.  The blogger talks about something that they’ve read and put a link to another blog.  Before I know it, I’ve travelled a few blogs deep…

Where are you going to?

John Lennon said that life is what happens to you when you are planning other things.  The key to this is to be planning other things, right?  If you don’t have a plan or a direction, who knows where you’ll end up?  Some people say, “I don’t know where I’m going but I’ll know when…

Why a blog?

Why start a blog?  There are over 120 millions blogs out there, apparently.  Yes, that’s MILLION!  So why jump in with my supposed words of wisdom or words of disdain?  Why bother?  Because we all have a unique perspective.  We see a lot of the same things, but they get filtered by our experiences and…