When you screw up an interview…

I hate talking about myself.  Especially in a situation where “it counts”.  Last week, I had a preliminary interview with Erin Brubacher for the Tarragon Emerging Theatre Artist Grant.  The grant is valued at $15,000 and basically you spend twenty weeks at the Tarragon Theatre “pursuing  you own training and artistic goals by working in…

Getting to know you…

Our second class was called “Drama Fundamentals” with John Burns.  A better title might have been “Getting to know each other” or “Team Building”.  Although we did a bunch of theatre-related exercises, the main purpose of the session was to get to know each other better. Because of the size of our class, we were…

The ITP Overview

Our first “class” is at the Latvian Centre in Toronto.  People come in dribs and drabs.  Additional seats need to be found as 33 of us assemble, waiting for Karen O’Donnell and Kelli Kieley to get here.  Usually, the course only has 25 participants.  Karen has been running this course for years and this year…

My Year of Living Dangerously

This week, I started the Independent Television Producer (ITP) program which is part of the Ontario Self-Employed Benefit (OSEB) program.  Basically, it’s a program to teach me how to run my own business.  Last year, I was outsourced and gladly became part of the unemployed.  I had hated my job for years.   Although it had…