Pick an Idea

I have a spreadsheet where I’ve brainstormed some blog post ideas. And I’ve put tentative dates on when I want to write those posts.

But when I go to write the post, I often don’t feel like writing about the topic scheduled for today.

It should be simple. I should write the next thing on the list.

But every day I ask: What am I going to write about?

I look at the list. Today’s topic?


Sometimes a topic further down catches my eye. Or I think of something that happened that day and write about it. Or something completely random hits me.

My list currently has 152 things I could write about. And I add to the list every week.

Not all of them are good ideas. But there’s enough there that I shouldn’t struggle about what to write.

And yet, I ask myself the same question every day.

What am I going to write about?

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