Artistic Rehab Check-in #12

This week focuses on Recovering a Sense of Faith.

The final “week” of the creative recovery focuses on trust and mystery.

Trust that things unfold they way they are supposed to. We should stop trying to control the outcome.

Cameron wants us to surrender to the creative process. Follow the prompts that appear. And we find our creative pieces bring us somewhere unexpected.

She also recommends having an unrelated hobby. Because the hobby allows us to do something mundane. And often allows our creative juices to flow in the background.

Breakthroughs come when we are doing something that occupies part of our thinking, but not all of it.

And she encourages us to get “serious about taking ourselves lightly.”

Another idea she proposes is that life is supposed to be an Artist’s Date. We’re supposed to be creative. And we’re supposed to nurture that creativity.

The Artist Date is one of the things that I’ve had the most difficulty doing.

Finding a two-hour block of time to nurture my inner artist is hard. It gets lost too easily.

It’s hard to do the Morning Pages, also. But I can be more consistent with them.

One of the last recommendations for this chapter is to start over and go through the book again.

It’s supposed to be a 12-week program, but it took me almost 2 years to complete it. I took lots of breaks. And didn’t always get the exercises completed.

But it was helpful.

I’m still in recovery, I guess.

And so, I’ll follow Cameron’s advice.

Week One, here I come. Again.

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